A council team stepped in to spruce up the gardens ahead of reopening.

The Botanical Gardens are normally cared for by Denbighshire County Council’s Streetworks team but, with resources stretched due to the Coronavirus pandemic, Rhyl town councillors and staff dug in to give the gardens a make-over.

Cllr Barry Mellor, cllr Vicky Roberts, cllr Keith Jones, cllr Diane King, cllr Alan James, town clerk Gareth Nickels and deputy town clerk Helen Windus used their green-fingered skills to tidy up the flower beds and plant new bedding ready for the gardens to reopen.

Helen said: “Every year, the Streetworks team do an amazing job of Rhyl’s flower beds. This year, due to the lockdown, resources are really stretched and many towns need their help, so we rallied a team to help in Rhyl.

“We were able to be socially distant and work safely to get the job done. This year it was more important to us than ever that the gardens looked their best so people who have not been out for some time can enjoy colour and calm when the gardens reopen.

"Streetworks are also now back working on the rest of town so, once again, all of Rhyl’s flower beds and planters will be blooming.”

A decision on reopening the Botanical Gardens will be taken by Denbighshire County Council as and when lockdown restrictions are relaxed across Wales.

Report by Suzanne Kendrick from rhyljounal.co.uk