CCTV Grant

CCTV Grant

Following the recent Antisocial Behaviour issues at Botanical Gardens, The Rhyl Neighbourhood Policing Team have secured funding through PACT (Police and Community Trust) to assist in improving the CCTV system that is currently within the gardens.

The team are working closely with Paul Smith, seen here accepting the cheque on behalf of the Supporters of the Botanical Gardens to tackle the issues.

Pond & Fountain Refurbishment

Pond & Fountain Refurbishment

The fish pond and fountain has not worked for several years. The community have often asked the Council to repair it but due to reducing budgets no funding was available.

The Supporters of Botanical Gardens were donated a sum of money by the family of Mrs Iris Jones a few years back in her memory.  This kind gesture spurred on our efforts to raise the money required to repair this much loved garden attraction.

In February 2020 work commenced by Anything Aquatics Conwy, which was unfortunately halted by the Covid 19 restrictions. Today the work has been completed so when the gardens are reopened please come and see for yourselves the improvements.


Council team spruce up Gardens

Council team spruce up Gardens

A council team stepped in to spruce up the gardens ahead of reopening.

The Botanical Gardens are normally cared for by Denbighshire County Council’s Streetworks team but, with resources stretched due to the Coronavirus pandemic, Rhyl town councillors and staff dug in to give the gardens a make-over.

Cllr Barry Mellor, cllr Vicky Roberts, cllr Keith Jones, cllr Diane King, cllr Alan James, town clerk Gareth Nickels and deputy town clerk Helen Windus used their green-fingered skills to tidy up the flower beds and plant new bedding ready for the gardens to reopen.

Helen said: “Every year, the Streetworks team do an amazing job of Rhyl’s flower beds. This year, due to the lockdown, resources are really stretched and many towns need their help, so we rallied a team to help in Rhyl.

“We were able to be socially distant and work safely to get the job done. This year it was more important to us than ever that the gardens looked their best so people who have not been out for some time can enjoy colour and calm when the gardens reopen.

"Streetworks are also now back working on the rest of town so, once again, all of Rhyl’s flower beds and planters will be blooming.”

A decision on reopening the Botanical Gardens will be taken by Denbighshire County Council as and when lockdown restrictions are relaxed across Wales.

Report by Suzanne Kendrick from

Vandals & anti-social behaviour

Vandals & anti-social behaviour

The gardens have been plagued by anti-social behaviour in recent months.  We urge eyewitnesses to step up and report incidents to police - rather than simply post on social media.

NEW Toddler Cycle Track

NEW Toddler Cycle Track

Our brand new kids cycle track was created following support from the WREN FCC Community Action Fund and money raised by The Supporters of Botanical Gardens.

It is aimed at toddlers learning to cycle and children aged under eight.

Travellers leave Gardens after robbery

Travellers leave Gardens after robbery

Travellers have been forced to move on from the gardens following a robbery. Which means that our family fun day event on Sunday, which it had been feared might have to be cancelled, can now go ahead after all.